Texas Dives is a celebration of the best drinking and dining establishments in Texas. Out with the new. In with the old.

Press about Texas Dives

F A Q s

What's a dive bar?

There are three rules that define a dive bar.

  1. A dive bar can't be new. It has to be worn into its dive status. 10 years is a good cutoff. 5 years if the space is already old.

  2. No cocktail menu.

  3. Any rule can be broken, except rule #1. This includes rule #2.

What are the best dive bars in Texas?

That's what I'm trying to find out. I've visited hundreds of bars to find out what the true Texas classics are. However, what I can say, is that you probably won't find the best dives by simply googling "dive bars near me." It definitely takes a proactive approach and going off the beaten path. It's been a fun journey so far and eventually, I'll put together a list. Tune in and follow along.

What is the best dive bar in America?

It's nearly impossible to whittle this down to a single pick, but I can share some of the best I've come across.

  • Devil's Backbone; Fischer, TX

  • Rainbo Club; Chicago, IL

  • Clermont Lounge; Atlanta, GA

  • McSorley's Old Ale House; New York, NY

  • Snake & Jake's; New Orleans, LA

  • Old Miami; Detroit, MI

  • C.C. Club; Minneapolis, MN

  • Gooski's; Pittsburgh, PA